• 2:22 am
  • Saturday
  • July 27, 2024
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5 months ago Last Activity

The weekly gaucho podcast #3 – maya el-kher ‘valentines on a budget’

Suddenly; 2024 is blasting off and we find ourselves in the first holiday of the new year–Valentine’s day! In this episode of the weekly gaucho our week’s host, Maya El-kher will be diving into how to enjoy valentine’s day even within a strict budget. Maya speaks from experience when she states how tight money is […]


Bring Your Exciting Novel To Life!

Commission gorgeous illustrations for your book covers and all other print media! Fantastical Worlds wants to bring your world and characters beyond just the words of your story. We can design book sleeves, page illustrations, prints, posters, cards, and stickers for your upcoming novel! Visit FantasticalWorlds.com for more information. (This is not a real service.)


You’re an inventor. You don’t have time to play with fonts.

You have big ideas. You have things the world needs. And your time is valuable. So why waste your time trying to learn Photoshop? Let me do the design work for you. I’ll take the history of your product and make it stand out like a Renaissance piece because your work deserves to make a […]


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