Suddenly; 2024 is blasting off and we find ourselves in the first holiday of the new year–Valentine’s day! In this episode of the weekly gaucho our week’s host, Maya El-kher will be diving into how to enjoy valentine’s day even within a strict budget.

Maya speaks from experience when she states how tight money is right now. Gas is fifty dollars a tank; you cannot go to the grocery store anymore with just a twenty dollar bill. Being a college student is harder to manage than ever. A young adult is learning to manage money on their own for the first time. What a daunting task especially coming off of the purchase period for classes and new equipment for this coming fresh semester. So the big question is how do we make sure our loved ones are appeased during such an important holiday for many couples, families and even friends? Maya would like to purposely spend quality time with our loved ones over the luxury of an expensive dinner or a shiny gift. 

Going out and doing something is great but when was the last time you’ve cooked with your loved ones? Or actively went on a hike? With school and many of us working a job on top of it we lose sight of what matters most: the time we spend together. Oftentimes we can get swept up in what the next ‘big thing’ is going to be in relationships but it’s the core of those things that make up a relationship. In putting that extra bit of time out of our busy day this Valentines we are  solidifying our love in made gifts, food or joy rides. A small smile; a funny joke; a genuine gesture is all it takes to have a fondness that lasts forever…or at least through this february.