Journalist Nathan Pestka documents the successes that PVCC has had in recent years, and has encapsulated the history behind the track program through his recent podcast, “The Weekly Gaucho Podcast Episode #1”. Many people pertain curiosity to the idea of what goes into the configuration a National Championship team or individual. Nathan has a nice balance of documenting the team’s success, while also being apart of national championships in recent years. Nathan is able to give a journalist perspective, while also giving personal thoughts on what the experiences have been like.

It is rare for a journalist to get this deep of an inside scoop on a program of this type of excellence. Furthermore, the rarity continues to exceed with information being able to be delivered through a member of the team. Other journalist doing stories on sports team may only see a fraction of what the team goes through. Not only does Nathan see the lifestyle, he lives it. In doing so, the descriptions of the information spoken during the podcast are much more authentic and provide exclusive information through the perspective of one of the runners themselves.

The link to the podcast will be linked below this article, and you can also find the podcast posted on “The Weekly Gaucho” website under Nathan Pestka’s profile.
