Between students, October for many reasons is generally accepted as the best part of the fall semester. After all, it takes place right in the half of the studying year, which means that students are already in the middle of their way and cannot do anything but inspire them for new achievements and give hope that soon all of this will be behind. Pretty relatable for anyone who ever studied could be a quote from one of the surveyed students; “…This month is like a checkpoint between two hard levels, you already got used to autumn blues and feel better, and finals are still far enough to not worry about them for now, just time to gather some strength and keep going”. All the above are fair reasons, but all this does not change the fact that almost the main reason given in the survey on the topic of attitudes towards this month was simple and understandable: Halloween.

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For some reason, Halloween canonically counts as a holiday for kids, but the majority of surveyed GCC students showed, that a lot of adults could argue with such judgments. Most of them already have their plans for October 31st and almost all of them one way or another connected to costumes, sweets, horror films, and just a fun time with friends. Talking about all of that would be a crime to not mention a possible event, that also aims for Halloween in GCC.

While surgery some students mentioned their plans for the 31st, if there were enough people, and the administration gave its permission for such an adventure after the all daily lessons in LA 141 could be organized Halloween event. Students said that it could be nice to get together like one big company and watch some classic horrors. “One evening we just got inspired by memories of meeting up with friends and watching another part of “Scream” or even something more old-school, like “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, and our wish is to try to create something similar to this specific spirit”. Students planning to organize a costume party with candies, warm talks, and the air imbued with a spooky atmosphere. As the list of planned films for now is definitely “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Astral”, but they said that they are always open to any promotions, the only two questions are it there will be enough people, and would they have permission or not.

Got interested? Then keep an eye on announcements boards, and don’t be shy to join!