Welcome to a page that is run by a person who has had a lot of things in life; the deepest passion for art, which often makes all types of creators not sleep overnight, bringing to life the totally new (and the specific ones from 4 am, obviously, genius ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)) ideas, the goal to observe every new frictional world, starting from magic Faerun and ending on criminal Saint Petersburg, the absolute absence of resistance for video games, which was transformed into hundreds of new acquaintances, the practice of being a leader, and how is it being lead, and on top of everything else, the fantastic experience of traveling, that will not leave even the most inveterate homebody indifferent, right the way dragging any kind of travelers into a kaleidoscope of different culture features and unforgettable people. But probably nothing, not from the mentioned above or any other situations in life, was so confusing, like the request to tell about his personality in the third person in his own blog.