• 5:24 pm
  • Tuesday
  • October 15, 2024

Author: Madeline

Madeline is a digital media arts student planning to transfer to ASU. She is 21 years old and attending her third year of college. She intends to finish her associate's degree and then pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Graphic Information Technology. She also intends to complete the Communication Competence in the Workplace certificate. With this project, she hopes to become a better communicator of essential and reliable information, a better narrative storyteller, and learn how to capture and maintain an audience's attention. Understanding your audience is a crucial skill that is applicable to many different types of careers. When it comes to graphic design, knowing your audience can help you convey information better and potentially reach more people. Madeline hopes this project will make her a better researcher, allowing her to learn about different audiences and apply her knowledge to her work. She also believes these skills apply to many fields, so she will have a good skillset even if she doesn’t continue graphic design.