The host of today’s episode, Megan Verdugo, will be telling a very spooky and true story about late assignments. Ever get an aching feeling when rushing through an assignment right before 11:59 pm? Ever get pins and needles, feeling itchy, and burning all over as your eyes shift between the ticking clock and your work? We’ve all been there. At least anyone who gets anxious when they know they messed up trying to work on an assignment last second.

This is a short story about a nameless student who waits a little too long to finish an assignment. The story goes through the process of the student’s “procrastination to motivation” technique failing and resulting in a late assignment. The late assignment is forgotten about for a while with work from other classes pushing the late one out of sight. This goes on for a few days until a very serious reason to get the late assignment done and turned in pops up.

Small assignments aren’t always seen as important by some students, but they are one of the most important things to get done with how many there are of them. If you let them pile up, you’ll end up drowning under the pressure of it all. Suffocating, with no way out. And the amount of points deducted from your grade goes down as fast as the small assignments are missed.

They tend to make up the most points in a grade, so it’s best to get them all done early, so you don’t have to worry about them later. It’s usually a problem for people who don’t find any interest in assignments they find too easy or boring to work on. They don’t gain the motivation to do anything until the deadline creeps in and they notice they only have 30 minutes left to take a short quiz that they barely, or never, studied for.

It’s the worst feeling as your heart is racing and you begin to hyperventilate while rushing to get your work done. Reading through all the presentations to find the answers to a quiz or trying to find a good website resource to support your essay.