Since 1952, the Animation Guild has championed fair wages and conditions for the creative. And they need your support right now! With the advent of AI technology, the guild will be entering negotiations to ensure workers’ protection against AI and prevent rampant job creep in the industry.
Post with the #standwithanimation and visit to learn more about how to help.
Hi Pierre, I am really happy to see an article like this on the website because as a fellow student trying to get into the creative field of animation, it is looking rough in the field. I seem to find articles every day talking about how certain studios are treating animators poorly and overworking them, and it really does hurt to see since that is the career I want in the future. I agree fully that the animators deserve better treatment, and one of the first steps that needs to be taken to ensure that is ironing out what is allowed in terms of AI and what is not. As an animator, I would be lying if I said that the future of AI does not make me sometimes question if the career I am going for is a smart choice. In the end, however, we need to remember that if animation is something we are passionate about, then nothing should be able to stand in the way of that. I also have full belief that even if AI improves (which it definitely will), it will never be able to match the creativity of what humans can make. The Animation Guild has a great cause and it has my full support!
Nice advertisement! The headline is really attention grabbing with its figurative language. It also does a great job at expressing the situation and conveying emotion towards the problem. The image is simple yet effective. It matches the advertisement’s headline and topic, the Animation Guild. With the knight on the horse holding a flag reading “#Stand with Animation,” it makes the ad look appealing and interesting to viewers interested or a part of the animation industry. The colors and art style of the drawing look great together. The blurred background with complex colors helps the simplified character with solid colors pop. It makes it easy on the eyes and easy to distinguish the character from the background.
The bridge keeps the viewer reading by appealing to their interests and needs. “Right now” being in bold text adds more emotion to it, it creates a sense of urgency that the audience needs to act on. Making the audience want to read more to understand what the problem is and see what they can do. After reading that the problem is AI, artists and animators are more likely to take action to help defend animation. The information explaining how people can help the Animation Guild is short and clear, allowing for actions to be taken quickly. You did a great job creating this ad!
Hi Pierre,
Thanks for bringing up awareness about the current Animation Guild. Animation is something I grew up with alongside hundreds of millions of others who grew up with animation. Even after I grew up I still enjoy animation, its a very creative medium that can tell stories in ways that just wouldn’t be possible with a camera. Even art direction in animation just cant be match by other mediums. its really unfortunate to see how these talented animators are being treated with poor working conditions, long hours and poor pay. whats worse is the recent rise of A.I and greedy studios tinkering with the idea of replacing animators with A.I. which not only takes away Jobs from talented artist but removes the charm of animation and puts a sore taste into the mouth of the viewers. asking a A.I to generate frames of animation isn’t the same as getting an animator to animate them, its not perfect, its not creative, its not artistic, and its an eyesore, no one will benefit from A.I other then greedy studios. I believe if A.I takes over the industry then it will mean the end of animation, which something we don’t want. Which is why The Animation Guild has my full support.